DIY Macrame Glass Jar Covers Made with Square Knots

Learn how to make these simple macrame glass jar covers that look great as candle holders or succulent pots. Make them using just square knots!

two mason jars with macramé mason jar covers

I love making small macrame projects and this one definitely fits the bill. I also like to keep it simple and these 2 different types of macrame glass jar covers are made with square knots.

It’s amazing how varying the distance and number of square knots will give you a completely different style and design.

I have had these glass ball jars for a long time. I picked them up at a garage sale and I knew I would eventually find a use for them. I don’t think they are worth anything, but the lid of one of them does have a marble insert. I promise it is not the one I use gorilla glue on.

I’m sharing two different jar covers in this post. The first one is a permanent cover, the second one can be removed and used on another jar or a plant pot.

You can make these for any size glass jar with just a few modifications.

Let’s get knotting!

How to make a permanent macrame jar cover


roll of natural macrame string, a small bar jar and an a pink votive candle

Step 1. Cut your strings

you will need 11 – 12 inch pieces of 3mm cotton macrame string

Step 2. Attach strings using a lark’s head knot

Fold all the strings equally in half and attach 10 of the strings to 1 of the strings using a lark’s head knot.

2 macrame strings across each other
tying a macrame string with a lark's head knot
10 macrame strings tied to a string using lark's head knot

Thread the open end of the string through the looped end and pull it tight so that all the strings make a complete circle.

looping end of string through loop on the opposite end
macrame string pulled together in a circle

Step 3. Attach the circle of strings to the bottom of the jar using gorilla glue

applying super glue to the bottom of a jar
macrame circle of strings glued to the bottom of a jar

Step 4. Tie square knots all the way around just past the curve of the bottom of the jar.

Step 5. Tie alternating square knots approximately 1 inch down all the way around until you get to the top of the jar.

Step 6. Attach last row of square knots to the jar using gorilla glue.

Trim the strings so they don’t stick up past the jar. Depending on the size of your candle, we don’t want to risk catching the string on fire.

Add a candle and you’re done! How cute is this? It has a bit of a coastal vibe, I think.

How to make a removable glass jar macrame cover

Step 1. Measure around the glass jar with the macrame string, add 2 inches and cut the string.

Step 2. Cut your strings and attach using lark’s head knots.

You will need 24 – 12 inch pieces of 3mm macrame string, attach those to the piece you measured for around the jar.

Step 3. Group the strings into 4 groups of 3 sets of strings and tie square knots

Then tie alternating square knots in each grouping to make a triangle.

Step 4. Tie the macrame cover to the jar using a regular knot.

Step 5. Cut the fringe to the desired length and comb out.

This one can be removed and put on other jars or even on a plant pot.

This one is definitely my favorite!

These cute little macrame glass jar covers are easy to make. I made them both in less than 30 minutes. They would be super cute with succulents in the jars too.

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two ball jars with macrame covers with text DIY Macrame Glass Jar Covers

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    1. Hi Patsy!! I’m so glad you love this project! Be sure to share it with me if you make your own!

  1. Hi- I am trying the permanent jar cover and I need some help. After tying 10 lark head knots to the base string and pulling the ends through the loop to tighten the circle, there are 22 strings. The square knots are in multiples of 4 strings. After tying 5 square knots there are 2 extra strings. Can you help me figure out how to do this?
    Thanks so much!!!

    1. Hi Carrie,
      Your extra strings are from the string you tied the other strings onto. Change it to 8 strings and it should work out. I hope that helps!

  2. MaryJane Roy says:

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us Susanne. It has been extremely helpful in aiding my thirst for something other than crochet and I look forward to using this site again.

    Not sure how to add a photo here, hmm will try on facebook.

    1. I’m so glad you are finding the site helpful!

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