Macrame Feather Wall Hanging DIY

Learn how to make your own macrame feather wall hanging. This is one of the easiest macrame projects there is to do and it looks great in any room you want to put it in! Customize it to the colors that match your decor.

natural and pink macrame feathers hanging on a branch against a dark wall

Are you new to macrame? Check out 19 Macrame Terms for Beginners You Need to Know and Learn To Macrame With 4 Basic Knots. Get started with my Macrame Plant Hanger For Beginners or this Simple Macrame Wall Hanging with Feathers

I have made feathers before in my Simple Macrame Wall Hanging with Feathers but not this many and I didn’t work really hard at making them lay right. I wanted to make a wall hanging that was all feathers and so I set to work on this one.

If you have noticed with my other wall hangings, I usually like to use dowel rods. They tend to look more modern and less boho. I don’t have access to drift wood, but our neighbor cut a tree down last summer and I snagged quite a few good limbs that I could use for my projects.

Preparing Tree Branches for Macrame Wall Hangings

Ideally, you would allow the branch to dry out completely sand off the bark and seal it with a polyurethane product to protect it. I don’t have that much patience. I also like the natural knobby look of the bark on the branch. Here is how I prepped my branch…

  • Allow branch to dry out completely. I did this, the branches I got from our neighbor sat in the garage for about six months before I used any of them.
  • Cut the size you want for your wall hanging. I used a miter saw to cut mine.
  • Scrub bark with a solution of soap and water with a strong bristled brush. This gets rid of the loose debris on the branch and any greening that may have happened. Allow to dry overnight.
  • Apply a seal coat of polyurethane. I used a matte finish because I wanted it to look natural. Allow to dry completely before beginning your wall hanging.

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Making a Macrame Feather Wall Hanging


Step 1. Cut macrame string for feathers.

This macrame feather wall hanging has seven feathers and I cut a lot of strings. The larger the mm of string you use the less strings you will have to cut.

  • 3 – 18 inch pieces of 4mm single twist cotton macrame string
  • 2 – 12 inch pieces of 3mm single twist cotton macrame string
  • 2 – 10 inch pieces of 4mm pink 3 ply cotton macrame string
  • 96 – 6 inch pieces of 4mm single twist cotton macrame string
  • 60 – 6 inch pieces of 3mm single twist cotton macrame string
  • 20 – 6 inch pieces of 4mm pink 3 ply cotton macrame string

Step 2. Make your feathers

Start by attaching a 18 inch piece of 4mm single twist macrame string to the tree branch with a lark’s head knot. once attached you will have two pieces that are 9 inches long for the length of the feather.

Lay one 6 inch piece of 4mm single twist string under the string attached to the branch double it so that it is 3 inches long.

macrame string on branch for macrame feather wall hanging

Double another piece and lay it on top.

beginning macrame feather

Take the ends of one string and feed it through the loop of the other one.

pulling macrame strings tight for macrame feather wall hanging

Pull tight.

macrame string starting feather for macrame feather wall hanging

Continue doing this all the way down the length of the string. Be sure to leave length at the end to blend as part of the feather.

strings attached for macrame feather

Step 3. Comb out and trim to shape

Cut to the rough shape that the feather will be.

macrame feather being trimmed with scissors

Comb out the strands using a pet brush and cut into final shape of your feather. I used to be a hairstylist and I used my hair cutting shears for the final clean up. They were easier to handle and they cut a lot cleaner.

final feather after being combed and cut

Continue making all your feathers until you are satisfied with how many you have. Below is the number of strings I used for each feather. You can make your feathers as large or as small as you want.

String count for feathers

  • Feather 1 – 28 (4mm single twist)
  • Feather 2 – 34 (3mm single twist)
  • Feather 3 – 10 (4mm 3ply twisted pink)
  • Feather 4 – 28 (4mm single twist)
  • Feather 5 – 26 (3mm single twist)
  • Feather 6 – 40 (4mm single twist)
  • Feather 7 – 10 (4mm 3ply twist pink)
two feathers done on branch

You can add them to your branch in any order. I wanted mine to overlap so I placed some of them close together so one would lay over top of another.

Four feathers on branch
all seven feathers on branch

Step 4. Straighten and hang on the wall

Now that they are all on the branch, they need a little help staying combed out nice and straight. You can see my tutorial on How to Straighten Macrame Fringe and Keep it That Way to help you get those feathers laying the way you want them to.

Once you have them straightened you can go back and do a final trim up of the shapes.

finished macrame feather wall hanging

I love how this turned out and I wish I had made it sooner! The only thing I will do different is to drill holes in the branch for the hanging string. The way I have it now the branch keeps wanting to unroll.

close up of feathers on finished macrame feather wall hanging
finished macrame feather wall hanging
close up of large feather on finished macrame feather wall hanging
finished macrame feather wall hanging
finished macrame feather wall hanging
finished macrame feather wall hanging

Happy Knotting!

Pin my macrame feather wall hanging to Pinterest!

natural and pink macrame feathers hanging on a branch against a dark wall

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  1. Wow. What an amazing work of art. This is truly one of your best. So very happy for you!

    1. says:

      Thank you my friend!

  2. Hi! I want to make feather #6 (from the left) in the above photo. You stated that you will need: Feather 6 – 20 (4mm single twist). Would that be 20 strands?? How long should the strands be?

    1. Hi Cathy! Now that I go back and look at that, you would need 40 strings that are each 6 inches long to end up with 20 sets for the feather. I hope that made sense and I will go back and amend the number for that feather in the post. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions!

      1. You’re welcome! I have fixed all the numbers now for each feather. Thank you for catching that! I can’t wait to see how they turn out!

  3. Hi! I wanted to make some of the other feathers in the above photo. Could you amend the numbers for the other feathers in the photo as well?

    Feather 1 – 14 (4mm single twist)
    Feather 2 – 17 (3mm single twist)
    Feather 3 – 5 (4mm 3ply twisted pink)
    Feather 4 – 14 (4mm single twist)
    Feather 5 – 13 (3mm single twist)
    Feather 7 – 5 (4mm 3ply twist pink)

  4. Can you tell me at what point did you use the hairspray? Thank you.

    1. Hi Barb! I used the hairspray after they were cut and all combed out. I hope that helps!

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